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Study Plan Day 05

Question 21 to 25

(Remember to memorize only 5 questions a day)


System of Government – Part B

Question 21:

The House of Representatives has how many voting members?​

Click the play button to listen to the audio. Pause the audio after the question, give your answer and play the audio again to check if you got it right.

Question 22:

We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?

Click the play button to listen to the audio. Pause the audio after the question, give your answer and play the audio again to check if you got it right.

Question 23:

Name your U.S. Representative.

Click the play button to listen to the audio. Pause the audio after the question, give your answer and play the audio again to check if you got it right
(Click Here For Your Local Info)

Question 24:

Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

Click the play button to listen to the audio. Pause the audio after the question, give your answer and play the audio again to check if you got it right.

Question 25:

Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?

Click the play button to listen to the audio. Pause the audio after the question, give your answer and play the audio again to check if you got it right.


Up to here are the lessons for today. Please remember to study only 5 lessons each day, that way you will prevent your mind to be saturated, and you will be able to learn faster.

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